3 Roadblocks to BIOPC and Mental Health

Women’s Issues

3 Roadblocks to BIOPC and Mental Health

If you belong to the BIOPC community and suffer from poor mental health, you’re not alone. In the United States, there are over 15 million indigenous people and people of color that report struggling with mental health issues. Sadly, these people often face roadblocks to seeking the help they need.1. It’s Seen as a StigmaVery often people in the BIOPC...[ read more ]

How to Address a Coworker’s Sexist Behavior or Comments

With movements like #MeToo and #TimesUp, more attention has been given to sexual misconduct and harassment in the workplace and world in general. If you are the target of a coworker’s sexist behavior or comments, here’s how you can address it in a professional yet clear manner:Find Your VoiceWhile I know it seems unlikely, there is always the small chance...[ read more ]