Eating for Well-Being Instead of Weight Loss


Eating for Well-Being Instead of Weight Loss

In case you haven’t heard, dieting doesn’t work. I don’t think there is one case of someone going on a diet, getting healthier (not just skinnier) and being able to maintain that diet over time. Despite perhaps losing some initial weight, the dieter will eventually throw in the towel and gain all the weight back and then some. Diets don’t work...[ read more ]

Waste Free Cooking for 2022

For most of us, food is not only something that sustains us: it’s something we use to connect with others and celebrate life’s joyous moments. Yet for all of its positives, food can also cause some of our anxiety, particularly when it comes to waste.The good news is there are many creative solutions being tested by sustainability organizations to find...[ read more ]

Sustainable Living: 20 Perennial Foods to Incorporate Into Your Mealtime

If you’re like a lot of people, you probably have perennial plants in your garden. Daffodils, Russian Sage, Forget-Me-Nots… these are all perennial favorites among gardeners. But did you know there were also perennial crops you could grow and eat?Benefits of Perennial FoodsThe following are just some of the reasons to incorporate more perennial crops into your garden:Low MaintenanceWhat if...[ read more ]

Benefits of Kelp & Seaweed

Seaweed and kelp are no longer considered “exotic foods” only eaten at sushi restaurants. These two plants of the sea have taken the health food industry by storm the last few years and for good reason: They are nutrient-dense and offer a lot of incredible health benefits!What is the Difference Between Seaweed and Kelp?Seaweed is really a general umbrella term...[ read more ]

Body-Positive Weight Management

Body positivity is a movement started by the idea that all human beings, regardless of their size, should feel good about themselves. Body positive advocates encourage others to celebrate their bodies and accept themselves the way they are, instead of trying to squeeze themselves into a physical mold that society has deemed “attractive.”But is it possible to be body positive...[ read more ]

How To Get More Protein In Your Diet Without Eating More Meat

Finally, protein is getting its much-deserved attention. For decades, most discussions revolving around macronutrients focused on fat and carbs, namely how much should we be eating of both. But there SHOULD be focus on protein. Protein builds our entire body, from muscles and bones to hormones and other biochemicals. If we don’t get enough protein in our diet every day,...[ read more ]

Balance Your Mood With Food: How Good Nutrition Supports Mental Health

Our brains are magnificent machines: while the brain controls rudimentary yet complex functions like your heartbeat, breathing and motor functions, it also controls a multitude of other complicated tasks such as creating your thoughts and feelings. A machine this advanced, that runs 24/7, clearly requires fuel to run. The fuel you supply to your hard-working brain is none other than...[ read more ]

How to Stay Safe While Shopping at The Farmer’s Market

Shopping at local farmer’s markets is a great way to eat organic foods while supporting your local economy. But during the pandemic, as people have been forced to quarantine and social distance, many wonder if shopping at farmer’s markets is safe?In many ways, shopping at your local farmer’s market can be an even safer experience than shopping at an indoor...[ read more ]

The Pros and Cons of Juicing

Health crazes come and go, and some are better than others. You’ve probably noticed over the last couple of years that people seem to really be touting the benefits of juicing. And according to a recent research report, the juicer market is expected to grow by $606.67 million dollars between the years 2019 and 2023.But what is the truth behind...[ read more ]

2020’s Top Nutrition Trends

As we head into spring, more and more people will be thinking about how they can lose weight and get healthier by summertime. Of course, as a nutritionist, I know firsthand that what you put into your body has EVERYTHING to do with how you look and feel.One of the things I love best about my job is staying on...[ read more ]