Eating for Well-Being Instead of Weight Loss

Wellness Blog

Eating for Well-Being Instead of Weight Loss

In case you haven’t heard, dieting doesn’t work. I don’t think there is one case of someone going on a diet, getting healthier (not just skinnier) and being able to maintain that diet over time. Despite perhaps losing some initial weight, the dieter will eventually throw in the towel and gain all the weight back and then some. Diets don’t work...[ read more ]

Waste Free Cooking for 2022

For most of us, food is not only something that sustains us: it’s something we use to connect with others and celebrate life’s joyous moments. Yet for all of its positives, food can also cause some of our anxiety, particularly when it comes to waste.The good news is there are many creative solutions being tested by sustainability organizations to find...[ read more ]

Sustainable Living: 20 Perennial Foods to Incorporate Into Your Mealtime

If you’re like a lot of people, you probably have perennial plants in your garden. Daffodils, Russian Sage, Forget-Me-Nots… these are all perennial favorites among gardeners. But did you know there were also perennial crops you could grow and eat?Benefits of Perennial FoodsThe following are just some of the reasons to incorporate more perennial crops into your garden:Low MaintenanceWhat if...[ read more ]

Benefits of Kelp & Seaweed

Seaweed and kelp are no longer considered “exotic foods” only eaten at sushi restaurants. These two plants of the sea have taken the health food industry by storm the last few years and for good reason: They are nutrient-dense and offer a lot of incredible health benefits!What is the Difference Between Seaweed and Kelp?Seaweed is really a general umbrella term...[ read more ]

Art Therapy for Addiction

Art therapy is often used in treating children who have been through some sort of trauma. But we are now understanding that art therapy is equally effective in treating adults with addictions.What Is Art Therapy?Art therapy was developed in the 1940s and has been used ever since for treating a variety of mental health conditions. Creating art helps people of...[ read more ]

Eating Disorders in Adults

Eating disorders are often associated with teenagers and adolescents. But many adults struggle with this same issue.What are Eating Disorders?Eating disorders are mental health issues that involve unhealthy or obsessive eating habits. Some of the most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder.Anyone can develop an eating disorder at any point in their life, though a disproportionate...[ read more ]

Psychiatry and Medication Management

The goal of many psychiatrists is to help their patients without a need for medication. But there are those instances where medication can be incredibly helpful in the healing process. While some patients require only one medication for a short duration, others may require multiple prescriptions over longer periods of time. Regardless of how long a person may need to take...[ read more ]

How to Find a Chiropractor

You wake up one day and realize the pain you’ve had in your neck or lower back just isn’t going away. In fact, it seems to be getting worse. You’ve heard about chiropractic care and wonder if that could be the answer to your pain issue. What do you do next?Here are some tips to help you find a chiropractor...[ read more ]

Supporting Your Immune System in Natural Ways

Your immune system is your personal bodyguard, protecting you from a multitude of pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and even cancer cells. It’s a complex system and one that needs to be supported and optimized to do its job properly.Here are some of the best natural ways you can support your immune system so it can keep you healthy:Essential...[ read more ]

How Finances can Impact Your Mental Health

Not since the great depression have so many people collectively been dealing with financial hardship. The Covid pandemic locked down nations and caused people to lose their livelihoods. It is not surprising, then, that we are also seeing increases in the rates of depression.There have been other studies that also linked depression and anxiety with financial burdens. In fact, this...[ read more ]

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